Sermon series: Easter People
Apr 24
Reflecting Christ's Glory
“Transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory.” For the season of Lent we spoke these word...
Apr 17
Mary Magdalene
Christ is risen indeed! Today we celebrate like no other day. Jesus died on the cross in our place...
Apr 17
John - Believing
Christ is risen! What difference does believing make? John, the disciple, enters Jesus’ empty tomb,...
Apr 3
Mary (Mother of Jesus) - Willing and Wondering
Our morning series, Easter People, began with Pope John Paul II reflecting on the angel Gabriel’s an...
Mar 27
Gratuitous Gratitude
A year’s wages, that’s what Mary poured out on Jesus’ feet when she washed them with pure Nard. Suc...
Mar 20
"Take off the grave clothes"
"Take off the grave clothes." Jesus speaks these words to Lazarus after calling the formerly dead, n...
Mar 13
From Blindness to Belief
Today in our series of Easter people we will meet a nameless man who was born blind. We will see hi...
Mar 6
Where Else Can We Go?
“To whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.” Times were tough among the followers of...
Feb 27
Levi - Tax Collector, Sinner, and...
Levi was a tax collector, despised by the community, yet Jesus invites him to be a disciple. He bec...
Feb 6
A Woman Transformed
The woman at the well in John 4 presents a wonderful story of transformation because we are able to ...
Jan 30
Easter People: Nicodemus
Nicodemus is a Pharisee, part of the group that is opposing Jesus. Yet, Nicodemus seeks out Jesus a...
Jan 23
Nathanael: Found and Founded
“We are an Easter People and Hallelujah is our song” (Pope John Paul II). Nathanael speaks his “Hal...
Jan 16
Andrew Follows the Messiah
“We are an Easter People and Hallelujah is our song” (Pope John Paul II). Andrew is a follower of J...
Jan 9
John the Baptist Testifies About Jesus
As Christians, just who are we? We have celebrated the coming of Jesus and done so in light of his ...