Worship That Builds Up Sunday, October 9, 2022

Pastor Kevin Muyskens

This morning we will return to the worship gathering among the Christians in Corinth. 1 Corinthians provides a great deal of insight into their worship because the Apostle Paul is correcting problems that had arisen. The problem in today’s scripture is worship had become about individual displays and actions that did not include or build up the rest of the worshipers. This serves as a reminder that we worship together as a body, not a collection of individuals, and that our worship is to be both glorifying to God and enriching to those in attendance.

Sermon attachments

Bulletin 10-9-22.pdf
Bulletin Insert 10-9-22.pdf
Ann Page 10-9-22.pdf
Sermon 3b 1 Corinthians 14,1-25 OL.pdf
Session 3 worship edition.pdf