Twelve Stones to Remember Sunday, July 18, 2021

Pastor Kevin Muyskens

The Bible is full of intentional signs and actions of remembrance. When Jacob, the father of the nation of Israel, has a close encounter with the LORD he sets up a stone to remember. All the people of Israel are instructed to live in booths for a week each year to remember the LORD’s care for them in the wilderness. Jesus himself instituted the Lord’s Supper as a constant reminder of his death as the doorway to eternal life. Today we’ll discuss Israel setting up a marker of twelve stones to remember God’s powerful act of stopping the Jordan river. Intentional remembrance of God’s good actions in our lives strengthens our faith and gives us confidence to continue the faith journey.

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Bulletin 7-18-21.pdf
Bulletin Insert 7-18-21.pdf
Sermon Outline 7-18-21.pdf
Ann Page 7-18-21.pdf
Clipboard Activities 7-18-21.pdf